Vorst. Vorst enters the dungeon after all other adventurers have failed. He takes their bodies and slowly drags them to the surface. Vorst doesn't want treasure, he just wants to resurrect his fallen allies using dark rituals. The more his friends die and the more he returns them to life, the stronger Vorst gets and the more he pleases his shadowy gods. If Vorst ever tires of this repetition his friends are surely in for some trouble.

Gaynor Oberfall; class-magician, alignment-selfish, species-amphibious humanoid. Gaynor's skills as a magician and potion master are unmatched by many adventurers, taking him into the dungeon with you means you'll have healing potions and poison magic galore. The only downside to inviting him along is that he really only cares about himself, and given the chance he'd take all the loot for him and his homunculus.

Glüborg Duke of Shadows: as a Duke of Shadow it is Glüborg's mission to claim the deep dark spaces of the world for his ancient gods. There is no difference between good and evil to him, only the battle between light and shadow. He is the storyteller of the party, bringing with him into the dungeon a knowledge of things mysterious to most mortals.

Moira Thorav the Challenger. Species-humanoid/cyclops, Class-Challenger, Weakness-hubris. During her travels Moira has studied and mastered many martial arts, when she enters combat instinct takes over and she becomes a tornado of fists and gnashing teeth. Her fierce determination makes her an invaluable party member. She strives for success and will do anything possible to keep every adventurer alive, even if doing so isn't the easiest course of action.

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Adventurers be warned, a powerful evil lurks in the dungeons of castle Vilkburg, something that seeks the destruction of all that is good in the world. Only high level players should attempt to defeat the boss, Shullgorn the skeleton reaper. It is recommended that all your weapons be fully upgraded, you have max healing potions, and your party should at least be level 99.
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