The shambling nightmare of Dr. Volskarg, science has indeed gone too far.

A commission for @arisgregorian of him and his dog. A refined warrior, defending the realm with the help of his magically summoned companion!

Drawing of the astral she-beast! 8.5x11 inch cardstock paper with Copic markers and India ink.

Gloom, Magmar, and Pinsir all at Etsy

Get your undead hands on this 8.5x11 inch Glicee print of Dark Souls 1's Hero mocking the Belfry Gargoyles with his crazy skate tricks! Minor chromatic alterations have been made in order to set these prints apart from the original. Sturdy paper and "very good" quality printing mean this art will last you for the whole adventure. Good luck out there and don't go hollow on me!

*drip drop* The echo of dripping water wakes you up. You are still not used to sleeping on cold stone. As your eyes adjust to the darkness you can finally see that your cell has a new occupant. She begins to speak, almost as if her words take an immense amount of energy, and must breath deeply between each word. "Ah, good. I have unshackled you. Before you leave this prison, take this sickle and bring me the jail keeper's tongue. I'm hungry."

At the top of the tower waits the Nimblewright, the most deadly obstacle between you and the scroll of Daydug.

You've been in this room before, but something has changed. The corpse of the fallen knight that was slumped in the corner now stands motionless in the middle of the room leaning on its sword. A thought compels you to linger in the doorway for a moment longer. The corpse moves.